Fran Hamilton

Fran is a former RN and Midwife, has a B.Sc. (Psychology), a Master of Counselling degree and is a qualified Family and Couples Therapist; she has extensive training in thanatology (the study of death, dying and bereavement) in US and Australia.

Fran is a qualified and experienced Clinical Supervisor, offering professional support to Counsellors, Mental Health and Allied Health professionals.

Alongside her therapy practice, Fran spent ten years as a University Lecturer and Course Coordinator, teaching in several areas of counselling (clinical supervision, skills, personal growth, family systems, couples counselling, grief, loss and trauma). 

Fran has presented research and professional practice papers at national and international conferences and is a member of ACGB and ADEC. (Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement; Association of Death Educators and Counselors).

New blog coming soon!

In the next few weeks I will be adding a blog, including resources that may be helpful.

Some topics:

Finding balance in grief for bereaved parents.

Integrating nature into coping with trauma or bereavement.

Giving words to grief and loss.

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